Are you comfortable with conflict when it flares up in your business? Whether you like it or not, conflict will happen in your life. Whatever that conflict is, you need to make sure you have the skills to meet it head on and feel confident you are making the right choices for you and your business.Today’s guest, Hesha Abrams, has a mission to help people gain the skills to confidently deal with and resolve conflict in their lives.
Quotes from the show
“You need somebody that can see both sides. And that’s because, think about it, all of us as human beings, the easiest analogy really is you got an apple iPhone operating system or a Samsung. You get people that are die-hard apple and die-hard Samsung“-Hesha Abrams
“I don’t care what the issue is. Look at the person and ask yourself one question. Would they pull my kid out of a burning car?.“ -Hesha Abrams
Let’s Meet Our Guest
Hesha Abrams
Owner | Hesha Abrams Mediation
Hesha Abrams is an internationally acclaimed master attorney mediator, negotiator, and deal maker who, for 30+ years, has been renowned for her success in resolving high profile or difficult matters, including mediating the case over the secret recipe for Pepsi. She has worked with Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Verizon, and other large multinational companies, as well as individuals, inventors, and small businesses, creating deals and solving disputes.
She has distilled her experience into a popular new book, “Holding the Calm: The Secret to Resolving Conflict and Defusing Tension”, an easy to use toolkit and insightful, practical, and easy to use guide that anyone can use to defuse tension, eliminate conflict, and make deals in their own lives.
Espresso Shot(s)
- What is “holding the calm?” and
- How do you find a solution when it feels impossible to resolve?
Grab Heshaʻs book “Holding The Calm” here:
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