Have you advocated for something you are passionate about?
Our guests, Kate Needham, Founder & Executive Director & Sarah Lenox, Chief Strategy Officer of Armed Forces Housing Advocates join us to talk about the non-profit world, challenges, and accomplishments they face while helping their mission “Readiness Starts with a Safe Home”.
Letʻs Meet Our Guests
Kate Needham | Executive Director | Armed Forces Housing Advocates
Kate has worked in the nonprofit industry for 15 years, serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She is a veteran of the United States Navy, and there she discovered her passion for assisting military members and their families while working as a SAPR advocate. Kate co-founded Armed Forces Housing Advocates with a mission to keep all children safe, as her young son tragically fell 15 feet out of an MHPI home’s window due to a lack of window safety measures and proper construction. She has made it her life’s work to ensure that this never happens to another child again, along with serving military families with the other plethora of issues they experience in privatized military housing. Readiness starts with a safe home!
Sarah Lenox | Chief Strategy Officer | Armed Forces Housing Advocates
I am active duty Army spouse currently stationed at Fort Bragg, NC with my husband who’s a paratrooper and our 3 year old son. My professional background is in sales support and marketing. I serve as the chief strategy officer for the non-profit, Armed Forces Housing Advocates, fighting for safe and habitable military housing for service members and their families.
Espresso Shot(s)
Want a quick summary of what we discussed during today’s show? See our Espresso Shots we asked Kate & Sarah. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these topics!
How does knowing your personality strengths (enneagram #) unlock a successful entrepreneurial/small business owner journey?
A: If you know your personality type as a business owner and entrepreneur it builds the self-awareness you need to unlock success. Think about all the messages out there about being successful and how to be successful…if you don’t know what individualizes your success journey then all those tips and tricks become noise that may not actually work for you! It’s a choice to take on understanding WHO you are and building that self-awareness. The enneagram is just one tool of many that can help guide you. It can be a map that shows you where you have stepped into times of stress and when you’ve stepped into times of growth.
What is the practical application of knowing your personality strengths for a small business owner or entrepreneur?
A: It’s all about understanding your motivations and your decision-making process. When you are really tuned into yourself it makes it easier to take the steps you need to run a successful business. But, be careful! Sometimes those strengths become your weaknesses because you focus too much on them and let other areas of your business slide. Before you know it…you’re too heavy hitting on some things and severely lacking in others which makes it difficult to have your business flow the way it needs to!
Your decision-making process as an entrepreneur is informed by your personality. That is why it's so important to be self-aware. The enneagram is one tool to understand who you are. Click To TweetToolkit
It was inspiring to read through some of the articles that AFHA were in as advocates.
We hope youʻll read more about their involvement here to help inspire you to take your passion for change to where you want it to be. Read more
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Tip Jar
This episodes Tip Jar is brought to you by Caroline Beasley MBA, CPA of Caroline Y. Beasley CPA
Moving Expenses Deductible for Military Families
The military covers pretty much all expenses associated with moving when you PCS, down to hiring the movers for you. Still, there are usually some expenses that you end up paying out of pocket. Did you know that you can deduct any non-reimbursed moving expenses on your tax return? You don’t even have to itemize!
Thanks for joining us on today’s 15{ish} Minute Coffee Chat! We’d love to hear from you.