Balancing harmony, and keeping it all together. As a small business owner you might feel like you have to give 100% to all the areas of your life that are important to you. This can cause burnout which means no area of your life is getting what it needs.
How do you implement self-care techniques as a small business owner and entrepreneur?
Quotes from the show
“if a CEO of a fortune 500 company is not taking care of themselves, is not treating themselves like the asset, how well is that business actually going to run?“-Alisha Carlson
“I talk about all different types of things related to fitness, and nutrition. I do get a lot into the habits and really helping people understand why they do what they do, how they can kind of hack their brain, hack the habit system“ -Alisha Carlson about her podcast
Let’s Meet Our Guest
Alisha Carlson
Owner | Non Diet Lifestyle Coach | The Strong(HER) Way
Alisha Carlson is a devoted wife and mother, as well as the founder of the StrongHER Way. She specializes in a non-diet approach to food, fitness, and life transformation, dedicated to helping her clients heal their relationship with food, exercise, their bodies, and themselves.
She holds the belief that every single woman possesses a unique calling in her life, and considers it a part of her mission to help them embrace that calling whole-heartedly. Carlson is convinced that every woman deserves to feel confident in her own body and believes that women have much more to offer the world than their appearance. She is committed to inspiring, equipping, and empowering women in every aspect of life.
Espresso Shot(s)
What obstacles do small business owners encounter to self-care?
What “personal operating systems” can we put into place to balance our lives, our families, and our businesses?
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